Wednesday 11 November 2015

Normal Map 2

I created another Normal map this time making an AO with it, it's really cool that this detail is on a flat plane.

ndo crashing

       I'm having a couple issues with ndo crashing, I'm searching online to see if there's a cause to it or if it's just something ndo does

Monday 9 November 2015

First time using Quixel

So I decided to take a break from 3ds MAX and open up quixel suite and learn some of the tools.

I started by drawing an ellipses using the marquee tool and converting it to a normal. 

Once the ellipses is converted to a normal options like size, depth, contrast, etc appear in the box.

Next I started messing around with the size, depth, and contrast options. 

The next tab contains bevel options for the normal you've created, You can use these to achieve the desired effect.

The following tab contains slant options which well either make the normal slant up or down.

This next tab I find one of the most interesting, it's called curve and it contains all kinds of funky effects you can add to the normal for some fast and interesting detail 

By clicking the toggle sculpt mode button you are able to click about the normal and add duplicates of the brush you have created  

I played around for a couple minutes and created this normal. A panel of some kind. 

I created a quick metal diffuse and made a material within UE4 using and added the material to a simple 2 tri plane. I can see the usefulness of this software and am looking forward to learning more about it and practicing further. It will definitely come in handy when creating hard surface props that are low on polys but high on normal detail.  

Thursday 5 November 2015

Getting the hang of it

I fell as if I'm starting to get the hang of a few things within the software, I still hit the wrong hot keys and don't yet know all the tools available but I'm getting there.

Materials in 3ds MAX frustrations

I am having one hell of a time trying to get a simple material to show up in the viewport.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

What's next


      I've been looking at all the beautiful work done by artists using the Quixel suite and been getting really inspired and am looking forward to jumping into the software. I know there's going to be a learning curve just like what I'm experiencing with MAX, but I'm really looking forward to the challenges.

      For the next step within MAX I plan on farther familiarizing myself with the interface and what the software is capable of. I hope to be able to create some kind of weapon that's a little more complex than the "barrel" that I made the other day. I hope to have this step done as soon as possible.

       I have to work diligently and be efficient in the use of my time over the next week. I lost a lot of time over the last few weeks battling a bad sinus infection (at least I believe it to be a sinus infection) I have finally had enough and made a doctors appointment for Friday in hopes to get something to help relieve the symptoms.

Until my next update.

Max cont..

I've spent a little more time playing around in max learning some of the tools and just making shapes